Create a Basic Hugo Website
Sources: Create a Basic Hugo WebsiteLast Mod: 2024-06-10 21:57:25 +0200 +0200
In the previous chapter we generated a Bare Metal Website. Now we will turn that into a more Hugo like site by adding common configuration and layout templates. This will give you a good starter for own Hugo projects from Scratch. chapters.
The minimal Hugo configuration as described in Configure Hugo contains three attributes:
BaseUrl - the deployment root for your website
Hugo uses this to convert link destinations in your source files to web addresses for your deployed website. So you should always provide a value here. This depends on the deployment target url of your site. Add a trailing slash to the Url always.
Hugo’s development server will respect the subfolder to ensure your links will properly rendered on your deployment target.
Language Code
As you’ve seen in our bare-metal layout template, we specified the language for the HTML file. Defining the language code configuration allows us to develop our templates without language binding for general reuse. Internally Hugo will also use that with it’s internal templates for the same reason.
Site Title
Usually every website has a prominent Title for the user to easily identify the page when bookmarked. Hugo for example has “The world’s fastest framework for building websites”
Putting that altogether, including the setting from previous chapter, we get:
# deploy to root baseURL = "" # could use "en-US" here as well languageCode = "en" # Website title title = "Basic Hugo Website"